An Open Letter from Ken Cochrane

to All SVS Customers

Dear Friends,

First, I'd like to thank each and every one of you for providing me the opportunity to serve you to the best of my ability. Thirty six years ago, I was one of the original three to create SVS, partly out of frustration with non-caring dealerships. When first asked if I would be interested I hesitated, because the auto industry had been seen in some non-positive ways. I like to believe our contribution toward serving our fellow human beings has helped to change some people's perspectives. Being the VP/General Manager of the company enabled me to have the freedom to express what we define as personal service.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you in such a way that allowed me to turn a job into a career. In today's day and age where the word "service" has often lost its meaning, that means a lot. Through the years, many of you assured me that we were achieving our goals in the way we provided service to people through the cars we love. As time went on and the company grew, we worked very hard to maintain our focus on you, the customer.

Retiring will be a big challenge for me as it will for all of us at SVS. I feel I'm leaving you in extremely good hands with Robert Marcello, the founder of Sacramento’s Volvo Service who will now step in as General Manager and work directly with you. Plus, Parts Manager John Dettman, Senior Technician / original crew member Ron Flynn, and Production Manager Chuck Lawless who’ve all been here from the beginning, are are still hard at work every day.

Working side by side with Robert and these colleagues was the singular highlight of my career, and I have the highest level of respect for their integrity and enthusiasm for customer service. It's a good feeling to able to retire, knowing that our original philosophy and desire will continue in the SVS way.

Thank you all so very much for the trust you have put in me and all of us at SVS. I will never forget any of you.

Ken Cochrane, VP/General Manager (1981 - 2016)
SVS - Sacramento's Volvo Service